This course is intended for all individuals who have a duty to respond to a first aid or cardiac emergencies including: security, airline personnel, camp counselors, police, firefighters, teachers, day-care workers and physical-fitness trainers. This course can also be beneficial to any other individuals who want or need first-aid training. It is also appropriate for lay rescuers who may have a need to respond to an emergency in the workplace, and family members of patients at high risk for sudden cardiac death.
This course teaches:
1. First aid basics
2. Medical emergencies
3. Adult/child/infant CPR with mask
4. Adult/child/infant choking
5. Adult/child/infant AED use
(First aid classroom only available for groups of 6 or more.)
Original class:
$125 per person. Cost included book and pocket mask
Recertification course:
$65 per person